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The Official Launch of Mission Marketing: Episode 1

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Can I get a drumroll please?

I’m so excited to announce the launch of my new podcast, Mission Marketing, the podcast where Digital Health, Health Tech, and HIT companies discover how to break through the noise.

This podcast has been in the works for a while. It started when I was on a podcast tour myself, looking for marketing podcasts that targeted health tech. I didn’t set out to start a podcast (too much work, I said), but what I found was that there are few to no podcasts specifically to teach health tech companies how to break through the confusion and clutter and get their message out to the people who need it..

And that’s a problem. Because marketing to health systems, health plans, and medical practices is complex. What works for other industries doesn’t necessarily work for this one.

In this podcast, I bring together great minds from inside and outside healthcare to talk about marketing, growth, sales, and best practices for health tech startups.

While this is a podcast geared for startups who need a lean, agile approach to marketing, the guests I’ve interviewed are truly brilliant, so midsize companies and larger have plenty to learn here as well.

Episode 1: How Health Tech Changed My Life

This episode is an intro to the podcast where I share my own personal story – I’m literally alive today thanks to medical technology, brilliant innovators, and smart doctors who saved my life.

I believe health tech and digital health have the power to save lives and change health care. However, if companies in this space don’t discover how to break their message through the noise, they will never be able to.

I’m not going to let that happen – because there are other people like me out there who currently don’t have the tech or the cure necessary to save them. In many cases it may be out there…but the message hasn’t gotten out.

While this episode doesn’t go into tons of detail about marketing, I share just why I’m so passionate about getting the message out about innovative solutions. Because, unlike most other industries, health tech has the power to save lives.

You can listen below or on iTunes and Stitcher. I’ll be launching on more podcast platforms soon, so if your favorite podcast place isn’t listed here, let me know what it is, and we’ll get on it! Can’t wait to learn with you from all the guests we will have on in the future!

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Written by

Peter Lang

CEO, Co-founder

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