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Outbound Prospect Research

In conducting outbound prospect research, we generate a list of targeted leads for your sales team. We devote time to learn about your prospects, pain points, issues, and the internal problems they are working to solve. We help you generate and close ideal clients.

Does This Sound Familiar?

We are Struggling to Understand Our Prospect’s Pain Points

Understanding how to reach out and connect with your prospects is the best way to set yourself up for success in the sales process. But if you are struggling to understand their challenges, you will have a difficult time trying to address them.

We Aren't Targeting the Right People

How do you know you are targeting the right people? It starts with the right foundation – how you build out your foundation is identifying who is your ideal customer profile and who are your buyer personas so you can scale your prospecting strategy.

We Need a Better Process for Learning More About Our Prospects

A streamlined, optimized sales process can help make your prospecting framework more effective. Learning about your prospects is a crucial element of your sales process. Underutilizing a detailed system for your sales team can lead to not reaching revenue goals.

Why Do You Need Outbound Prospect Research?

Know Your Lead Before You Have Your First Conversation

Gather all the information possible to have the highest chance of getting the right people from the get-go. This will save time, money, and resources down the road. You’ll get to know your prospects well enough to gauge whether they’re a fit and how you can best be of service if so.

Start to Build Trust on the Very First Call

Any great relationship is built upon trust, personal, or business. You want to get that feeling of trust going even in your earliest interactions to pave the way for a strong, long-term partnership. This is one of our specialties.

Understand Pain Points in Advance to Guide Them to a Solution

When you understand someone’s problem, you are better equipped to become their solution. Become intimately familiar with their triggers and what they might be searching for on search engines. We dive deep with you to learn about them, hear them out, and discover what’s driving them.

Qualify Fit Before a Sales Call

As mentioned, you don’t want to attract a lead that won’t be a good fit in the long run. It’s not about bringing in as many clients as you can, but about bringing in the ones that genuinely align with your solutions. A poor fit can lead to a lot of waste and frustration for both parties—and we can help you avoid this with our pinpointed approach.

Connect with Your Prospects

Consumers respond well to a personalized approach in the sales process. With proper outbound prospect research, you can develop a “dossier” about the prospect, so you can tailor your approach in a way that will connect and engage them and close more deals.

Know Your Leads with Effective Prospect Research

We are very thorough in our methods, such as persona creation, and assist our clients in using all the data to develop targeted approaches for their audience. Ready to Get to Know Your Prospects?

Get to Know Your Prospects the Uhuru Way

Define Your Ideal Customer Profile

We work with you to define your target and document the characteristics and criteria that will positively impact your company’s revenue goals and conversions.

Establish Who are Your Business’ Buyer Personas

Define the roles and characteristics of the positions that typically contribute to your sales process. This gives your sales teams the ability to serve your target audience better. When you understand how you connect with them, this will improve your sales process.

Understand Your Prospect’s Buying Journey to Serve Them Better

Map out the questions that your personas are asking and problems they are trying to solve at each stage of their buying journey with your company, beginning with before they are even aware of your brand.

Define What Triggers Influence Your Prospects

Certain triggers drive your prospects’ buying decisions, but knowing and understanding those triggers allows you to influence how they can impact your prospects’ buyer’s journey and why they should purchase with you. At Uhuru, we will dive into what is triggering your prospects and how we can develop a strategy around finding their solution.

Create an Irresistible Offer that speaks to Your Prospects

Once you have an understanding of the triggers, you’ll be in a position to design an offer that aligns with your buyers now and cause them to raise their hand to talk to you. This is all part of the sales process.

Our Work Speaks for Itself

“In a single year we generated $1,165,000 in tracked revenue from a $263,800 ad spend.”

Antonio Scognamiglio
MAZUUM | Owner

Frequently Asked Questions

About Outbound Prospect Research

You can’t show a prospect that you’ve listened and really want to be of service if you don’t bother to find out their wants and needs. The prospect wants a customized experience, and offerings need to sound tailored to them or they will not be under the impression that you care.

When you’ve documented an ideal customer profile including criteria that qualifies a business as a good fit, you’ll also identify the roles within those organizations or industries that typically contribute to your sales process. Then, you’ll document the triggers—i.e., the questions they’re asking and problems they’re trying to solve right now. This will give you a solid foundation for creating that irresistible offer that causes them to raise their hand to talk with you.

If you don’t do the research, you won’t be able to make an effective plan. You need to know who you’re selling to in order to show that you understand them and can provide them with what they need. If you don’t, they may very well go to a competitor.


Focus on Targeting the Right Prospects

Our methods of getting to know potential customers on a deeper level through proper prospect research have proved highly successful for our clients—and we want to make sure you can have a precise process in place as well. Schedule a free sales audit today.