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3 Advanced Facebook Marketing Tips You’ve Never Tried

Advanced Facebook Marketing Tips You've Never Tried
Reading Time: 6 minutes

Advanced Facebook Marketing Tips You've Never Tried

The world of Facebook advertising has changed.

The Facebook marketing tips you’ve been reading about are all but outdated.

A monthly user base of over 2 billion people has attracted upwards of 2 million advertisers, creating a highly competitive ecosystem. They’re spending more money to compete with one another, which is why most Facebook advertisers are seeing their CPM climb without much of an understanding of what to do about it.

What does this mean for you?

It means that you now have to participate in a higher level of advertising to be truly successful on Facebook.

That’s why we’re here today.

We’re opening up the vault and unleashing three seriously powerful tools that will allow you to make the most of your Facebook advertising and realize the potential of this ever-evolving platform.

To call these tools “tips” is underselling them a bit, but that’s essentially what they are: Three Facebook marketing tips to help you optimize your advertising, reach new audiences more effectively, and light a fire beneath your slowly diminishing ROI.

These aren’t beginner Facebook marketing tips. These are advanced tactics to help you advertise more effectively than ever, so listen up!

Preloading posts with engagement

Facebook Marketing Tip #1

Preloading Posts with Engagement

Our first Facebook marketing tip is one that the vast majority of advertisers aren’t using, mostly because it’s not an official Facebook approach. Rather, it’s a way to sidestep the way Facebook wants you to be doing things.

If we have to remember one thing about Facebook, it’s that we’re dealing with a true social network. Everything that users end up seeing is there to benefit the user. This is even true in the case of ads.

Every ad you see in your feed has been selected because it is most likely to interest you based on your individual preferences and other demographic and behavioral information.

Facebook Events calls the ads we create “posts” because that’s essentially what they are. These paid posts are designed to grab the attention of their audience, and if they don’t they are deemed “less relevant” or “irrelevant.”

The lower the relevancy score, the more expensive your advertising becomes, to the point where your ROI may suffer dramatically.

Consider this: No matter the objective you select for your campaign, the underlying objective is engagement from the community that sees it. Likes, shares, clicks, comments, reactions. They’re all engagement and tell Facebook a lot about how relevant your ad is to your audience.

It’s this engagement that earns your ads their relevancy scores, which in turn tells Facebook how much traffic to put in front of your ads.

Higher scores receive more impressions at a lower cost. Lower scores get the opposite.

So why are we telling you all of this?

Putting It All Together

The reason we’ve spent all of this time explaining the importance of engagement is simple. The first of our super powerful Facebook marketing tips is preloading your ads with engagement to earn higher relevancy scores, then posting those ads into a conversion campaign to get a lower CPM (and therefore likely a lower CPC).

Let us show you how it’s done…

Facebook knows virtually everything about its users, including who’s most likely to engage with the type of content you’re posting.

So we start by creating an engagement campaign.

Then we create the ad that we will be using in our future conversion campaign within our engagement campaign. Are you following along?

You’ll find that within a day or two your ads will likely have accumulated hundreds of likes, and probably several comments and shares as well.

Once your ad has earned this much engagement, you can stop the engagement campaign. While there is potential to drives sales from these campaigns, the cost for conversion typically ends up being very high.

Remember, Facebook doesn’t allow you to change the objective of your campaign.

Instead, you’ll begin creating your conversion campaign from scratch.

Once you have your campaign and ad set details input, you’ll reach the point where it’s time to create your first ad for this ad set. This is where you make the switch.

  • Where you would normally create new ad, you’ll want to select use existing post.


You’ll be pulling the post you used to generate your engagement in your engagement campaign. The one that already was deemed relevant and tagged with a high relevancy score.

  • Within the menu, select Page Posts under Create & Manage


  • Here you’ll be able to select your preloaded post from the list


  • Clicking on the post and it opens up and allows you to highlight and copy the Post ID


  • Back in your ad creation menu, click on Enter Post ID


  • By pasting the post ID and clicking submit you’ll be able to finalize your new conversion campaign using an ad that’s already built up a high level of engagement.


This effectively allows you to lower the CPM that Facebook would have normally assigned your new post, allowing you to reach more people and advertise more effectively for a lower cost.


Facebook Marketing Tip #2

Using Posts Outside of Their Intended Campaign Type

When you begin creating any type of campaign, you’ll find that you’re limited to a choice of select post types. For example, while there are 15 types of posts that advertisers can use on Facebook when you create an engagement campaign, you’re limited to 3 types of ads. None of these choices will allow you to include a link.

However, with this Facebook marketing tip there is a way around that as well.

  • Once again, under the Ads Manager menu select Page Posts


  • At the top right you’ll click Create Post


  • The first option in the new window is to create a link post and enter a URL


This allows you to create a post with all of the standard elements without the limitations of the options available in the standard engagement campaign ad creation menu.

Once you submit and create the ad here, it will not be published on the page.

  • Instead, you’ll need to click on the ad and select and copy the post ID from the top of the list where it says ID


  • Now when you return to the ad creation menu for your engagement campaign, you’ll click on the Use Existing Post


  • Click on Enter Post ID and enter the post ID


And voila, you’re using a link on an engagement campaign!

As you’ve seen, each type of campaign will automatically only allow you to create specific types of ads. This Facebook marketing tip is very powerful because it allows you to create any post you’d like and use it for any type of campaign.

When you combine this tip with the first you’re able to bypass many of the limitations that 99% of Facebook’s 2 million advertisers are facing. As you can imagine, this provides you with a serious competitive edge!


Facebook Marketing Tip #3

Use the Top Facebook Functionality for 2017

You’ll find that there are new and different functionalities that are being added to the Facebook advertising platform on a near monthly basis.

For example, the ability to create a custom audience of people that have engaged with your Facebook and Instagram content is entirely new. It presents a very powerful opportunity to reach people who have shown interest in your brand but may not have been to your website. It’s a step between the cold traffic of demographic targeting and the warm traffic of retargeting.

  • Under your Audiences tab click Create Audience


  • Select Custom Audience


The Facebook marketing tip here is to experiment by testing new audiences.

  • For example, we can now choose to create an audience from people who have engaged with our post.


Try creating custom audiences like this based on the objectives of your ads.

This is another Facebook marketing tip that very few businesses are currently using effectively and something to gives you a serious lead over your competition

Bonus Tip!

Expand Tip #3 with a Lookalike Audience

Now that you’ve begun testing new audiences based on post engagement, take that user information and use it to your advantage in another way.

By creating a lookalike audience based on that data, you’ll generate a list of people that resemble those who have interacted with your posts. You could choose to run an engagement campaign to get them interacting with your post directly, or test running a conversion campaign right off the bat.

Where Facebook has always allowed you to find similar people from a particular country or region, they now allow you to now select people from multiple countries and different regions. This allows you to define your targeting even further and create more highly customized audiences that should prove to be more responsive than ever as well. The key is to keep testing new audience options. Use the information you learn from each new audience to optimize your future audience creation and run more effective campaigns.

What Next?

Take these Facebook marketing tips and apply them to your current advertising and you’ll likely find that you’re able to deliver improvements in all of your key metrics.

As always, the key to successfully advertising on Facebook is staying up to date with features and functionalities, as well as testing how you can apply them to your ongoing and future campaigns.

Staying ahead of the competition means being an early adopter of new tools. Some may prove to be less than useful, while others may give you the edge to quickly outpace your competitors and see a much better ROI.

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Peter Lang

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